Winterizing our 2019 Travato 59K

This is a write-up of what I did to winterize our Travato. I'm explicitly talking about our specific rig, a 2019 Winnebago Travato 59K class B van. I may have left something out, or I may have screwed up something — but hopefully this helps someone, at the very least it'll help future me!
The steps I took are based on a combination of previous experience and some resources found online. They're specifically tuned for the 59K. There's a resource collection at the end, for other Travatos.
I choose to use both compressed air and antifreeze, as it seems blowing with compressed air just always keeps finding another pocket of water somewhere; I just don't trust it to be thorough enough. On our earlier class A motorhome, compressed air was enough, but I don't feel as confident here.
Print this out, cross items as you make progress, and make a note if something was different!
Materials and tools
- dump station within driving distance, or sewer hookup
- 2 gallons of RV antifreeze. Local O'Reillys had them for $4/gal
- towel
- flashlight
- air compressor, blow-out plug, adjustable pressure regulator, quick-connects and teflon tape to build the right adapter
- sliding ziploc plastic bag and something to tie it with
- easier if you have help: extra pair of hands to siphon antifreeze, for a few minutes toward the end
Winterizing steps
- dump and rinse black tank well; you'll dump again to get rid of water from the lines, but that's after blowing the black tank rinse water line; or, skip this round and get the air compressor out again after dumping later, blow line then
- park level
- ensure Truma is off
- ensure water pump is off
- lift things out of kitchen sink, prop lid open
- open kitchen faucet, temperature half-way, leave open
- open bath faucet, temperature half-way, leave open
- flip up driver side bed, remove storage cubby and side access door
- drain Truma with yellow pressure relief valve, leave open
- open low point valves, wait to drain, leave open
- remove O-ring filter from city fill inlet and tank fill inlets
- press city fill and tank fill backflow valves with finger, wait to drain
- restore O-ring filters to city fill and tank fill inlets (or air will leak later)
- remove water filter, empty water, reinstall canister; use towel underneath
- empty pump strainer, clean debris, reinstall; remember threads are upside down, pinch in-the-way hot water pipe to pump with other hand to be able to reinstall
- start van, connect power & turn on air compressor
- adjust to 0psi, connect to tank fill inlet, adjust gradually to 20psi, wait to drain, adjust to 0psi
- run water pump for 2 seconds no more, turn off
- adjust to 0psi, connect to city fill inlet, adjust gradually to 30psi, leave on
- wait until drained, close low point drain valves
- wait until drained, close bath faucet
- wait until drained, close kitchen faucet
- adjust to 0psi
- switch Truma bypass to winter mode
- adjust gradually to 30psi, there should be no air flow; next blow pipes one at a time by opening, draining, closing each outlet
- blow kitchen sink hot+cold
- blow bath sink hot+cold
- blow shower hot+cold, ensure handle cutoff valve is open
- blow toilet fill
- blow toilet bidet, hold down valve in handle while pressing toilet pedal
- blow ext shower, leave hose connected
- blow low point drain valves; remember to close valves
- adjust to 0psi, connect to black tank rinse inlet, adjust gradually to 20psi, adjust to 0psi, disconnect
- turn off air compressor
- turn off van
- disconnect air compressor power, stow
- empty water filter canister and reinstall, again; use towel underneath
- empty pump strainer and reinstall, again
- close Truma pressure relief valve
- switch siphon tube valve to winterize
- bring 1 gal antifreeze to pump, remove siphon tube cap, put siphon tube into antifreeze
- turn on water pump, after initial burst there should be no water flow
- next pump antifreeze to pipes one outlet at a time, hot and cold separately, close when pink stuff comes out
- beware running out of antifreeze or siphoning air because tube is not submerged. beware spilling antifreeze bottle. easiest if you have a helper at the bottle
- antifreeze kitchen sink hot+cold
- antifreeze bath sink hot+cold
- antifreeze shower hot+cold, ensure handle cutoff valve is open
- the shower tends to drip, wrap a plastic bag around the shower head and rubber twist tie it
- antifreeze toilet fill
- antifreeze toilet bidet
- antifreeze ext shower; disconnect, drain and stow hose
- turn off water pump
- restore siphon tube cap
- switch siphon tube valve to normal
- restore bed
- stow kitchen sink things, close lid
- drive to dump tanks
- pour antifreeze 1cup in kitchen sink (waterless trap but it won't hurt)
- pour antifreeze 2-3cups in bath sink (P-trap)
- pour antifreeze 2-3cups in shower drain (waterless trap); should be roughly the rest of 2gal bottles, adjust amounts to not run out
- put towel in laundry
- carry water bottles etc to house
- order new water filter for spring (the Culligan US-600A cartridge takes D-20A, D-30A, or D-40A filters, higher numbers are fancier but clog quicker — I've learned the D-30A resists flow so much the water pump cycles on/off all the time and you only get a trickle of water out.. I'm buying D-20A from now on) (you may also need new O-rings)
- 2019 Travato Operator's Manual (PDF) (other models), has photos to help you locate things, but is also annoying because it covers 59K and 59G with the same instructions
- 2019 Travato 59K plumbing diagrams: drainage (PDF), fresh (PDF), other models
- Truma Combi Operating instructions (PDF), and other manuals
- Travato Owners and Wannabees guides: Winterizing (PDF), De-winterizing (PDF), more
- RVgeeks video, good but generic & class A oriented; great background about air compressors
- Escapees winterizing guide, generic
- FitRV has lots of content about active winter use: tips, winterproofing, insulating, and so on.
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