Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah

The Bonneville Salt Flats have been on my RV wish list since we started traveling. Finally checked it off the list and WOW. They did not disappoint! Even more beautiful and strange than I expected. This post is going to be light on words... I'll let the photos do the talking. I had such a hard time picking just a few. It's just the most scenic place!
Jeep for scale.
The salt is hard, crusty and abrasive. Since we knew we'd be spending a while at the flats, taking photos and exploring, we made sure to outfit our dogs in their booties.
That ended up being a great call. Salt can be very hard on dog paws, and these booties kept them protected the entire time.
And I'm even more impressed that they stayed on Mushy Fastpants (a.k.a. the fastest dog I've ever met), when he was zoomering at top speed trying to set a new land speed record.
Someone needs to tell Mushy he'd get more speed if he didn't hop around so much!
We had a blast just running around with the dogs ...
Where did my chin go?
Playing "gotcha" ...
And exploring this weird landscape.
All that excitement could only mean one thing...
When you gotta go, you gotta go!
But seriously, even a turd looks magical!
And yes, we bagged the turd souvenir and took it home with us.
And while we're on the topic ... Lily protip: Don't eat the yellow salt.
(he's peeing)
Mushy lives here now. Please forward his mail.
He didn't want to come back to the Jeep. He waited us out for a bit and then eventually decided it was in his best interest to join us.
What a fun morning at the salt flats. We took a bunch of nice photos of everyone...
AND, we got a great family photo! That's hard to do on a timer!
And I think the dog that had the most fun was Mushy.
He hadn't been off leash like this in a while, so it was good to see him stretch his legs. We also did a lot of hugging.
Mushy says, "Too tight Ane! Too tight!"
A note if you are planning a visit:
Apparently there's a rest stop off I-80 that gives you access to the salt flats, but we entered through the Bonneville Flats Speedway road, which was empty on a weekday morning. They do have events out here from time to time, so make sure you do a quick Google search before visiting.
From this sign, you can drive your vehicle on the salt flats. Be careful though, do not drive on the salt flats when they are wet or flooded from precipitation, and never drive near the edges. You could get stuck in the underlying mud and you'll also damage the crust.
This post is dedicated to my Grandma BB. She loved reading this blog and would always tell me my photos were "better than National Geographic." Not so sure about that B, but I appreciate you saying so. I'll think of you at every covered wagon, every pioneer village, and every National Park we visit. I miss you, and I miss sharing our adventures with you.
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